Following on from our in-person ‘Celebrating Our Heritage’ and ‘Twrio’ events last November in Rathdangan, Rathnure, Tregaron and Maenclochog we are now planning an interactive online event that will bring together people from all four project areas in Ireland and Wales to showcase and share the digitised items that were contributed in both Ireland and Wales.
Community members were incredibly generous in bringing in objects, photographs, documents and recordings that they felt were important parts of local heritage. We received everything from lace and patchwork quilts to photographs of hurling teams and threshing days and there was even some local historic weaponry on display.
The event will be an opportunity to showcase and share these digitised items from across the Wicklow, Blackstairs, Cambrian and Preseli Mountains and consider the shared heritage of our coastal upland communities. It will also be an opportunity for community members to suggest things that we are missing and that we should be seeking to include in our digital collection.
This is a free event, but registration is required in order to receive the zoom link for the event. To register please see: