Microenterprise and Community Groups Showcase – Wales
This celebratory event is for the participants of CUPHAT's Regenerative Tourism Programme for Microenterprise & Community Groups in Wales.
This celebratory event is for the participants of CUPHAT's Regenerative Tourism Programme for Microenterprise & Community Groups in Wales.
CUPHAT invites you to our final network meeting. Join us for: A member-led discussion on the reopening of Rackards of Killanne and future developments A focus on developing heritage activities for tourists Music and refreshments will be provided! If you'd like to become a member of the CUPHAT Tourism Network to participate in this event, […]
SAVE THE DATE! Please RSVP to suh26@aber.ac.uk by 5th June. Refreshments and cakes will be provided. Please advise if you have any dietary requirements.
SAVE THE DATE! / ARBEDWCH Y DYDDIAD! CUPHAT invites you to our final community event in the Cambrian Mountains for a celebration of your contributions to our work! Mae CUPHAT yn eich gwahodd i’n digwyddiad cymunedol olaf ym Mynyddoedd Cambria i ddathlu eich cyfraniadau i’n gwaith!
SAVE THE DATE! / ARBEDWCH Y DYDDIAD! CUPHAT invites you to our final community event in the Presli Mountains for a celebration of your contributions to our work! Mae CUPHAT yn eich gwahodd i’n digwyddiad cymunedol olaf ym Mynyddoedd y Preseli i ddathlu eich cyfraniadau i’n gwaith!
Save the date! / Cuir an dáta sa ndialann! CUPHAT invites you to our final community event in the Blackstairs Mountains for a celebration of your contributions to our work! Tugann CUPHAT cuireadh duit chuig ár n-imeacht pobail deireanach sna Staighrí Dubha chun do rannpháirtíocht inár dtionscadal a cheiliúradh!
Save the date! / Cuir an dáta sa ndialann! CUPHAT invites you to our final community event in the Wicklow Mountains for a celebration of your contributions to our work! Tugann CUPHAT cuireadh duit chuig ár n-imeacht pobail deireanach sna Sléibhte Chill Mhantáin chun do rannpháirtíocht inár dtionscadal a cheiliúradh!
Coastal Uplands: Heritage and Tourism (CUPHAT) are pleased to invite you to attend our final project community conference on Thursday 6th July from 10am – 4pm in the Ashdown Park Hotel, Gorey. This community conference will highlight the project’s work in communities across Ireland and Wales. Join us to: Hear about our work in tourism […]
Another year, another Eisteddfod! This year, CUPHAT, along with the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society, Aberystwyth University and the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales organised an important session on Tourism and the Viability of Welsh Communities. Thanks to everyone who came along and took part!
On Thursday 10 August, from 11:00-12:00, Eisteddfod goers were encouraged to drop by the Aberystwyth University stand to listen to the talk from CUPHAT and Future Generations Commissioner on “Tourism and the Viability of Welsh Communities”. Thanks to all who came along and contributed their views and ideas!